
All of our projects in some way support the Smart City strategy that the city of Pilsen is successfully implementing. Step by step, we are creating a city that is one of the most advanced in the country in terms of its infrastructure and systematic approach to technological solutions.

Our Smart city projects

Strengthening cyber security

Due to the increasing number of new security threats and the need to respond to them in the future, we have continued to implement new technologies that will ensure more effective protection against cybersecurity risks.

Autonomous Mobility Laboratory

We are building a completely unique autonomous mobility laboratory at the TechTower technology park. We want to equip it with intelligent equipment for traffic planning and for testing of application solutions with significant support from the 5G network.

Numbeo statistical portal

We participate in the survey on behalf of Plzeň to find out how people live in the West Bohemian capital. How is their satisfaction compared to other Czech and world cities. We also believe that the results can give interesting feedback not only to the citizens of Pilsen, but also to the local government.

Expanding traffic sensors with 5G network

We are expanding the polygon for dynamic traffic control with additional sensor elements and smart units. By continuing the project, we are improving the transport infrastructure of the city of Pilsen.

SPARROW project will strengthen cities in digital breakdown

Together with our partners - Plan4All and RoadTwin - we want to participate in the development of an alternative emergency communication system for digital infrastructure failures.

Electronic Citizen’s Portal

The Electronic Citizen's Portal is a tool that enables electronic filing with the office - making it easier for citizens to deal with office matters.