DJI Zenmuse Camera Comparison

The Drones SIT team made an interesting comparison. The Drones SIT team usually uses the DJI Matrice 300 RTK drone for their work with the IRS (Integrated Rescue System) forces, but they also add other equipment such as cameras or spotlights. And it was the comparison of cameras that the team focused on.

Aims of the project:

  • To compare the technical capabilities of the cameras and the quality of the data obtained.
  • To sort the information and provide it to the vendor and the IRS.
  • To choose the best equipment and do the best job.

Results of the project:

  • Taking photo documentation during day and night flights.
  • Detailed comparison of three used DJI Zenmus cameras.

Which camera is best suited for which situation?

Three cameras were compared – the DJI Zenmuse H20T is the camera with the widest range of applications and its biggest advantage is the ability to use thermal imaging. This is why it is often used to search for fires or missing people.

DJI Zenmuse L1 is another multi-sensor device, which uses a laser scanner (lidar technology) to create a 3D model in the form of a point cloud. This is mainly used to document collapsed buildings or sites that need to be inspected by a drone before the IRS units enter. In the past, colleagues had also used this type of camera to document traffic accidents. However, it has been replaced by the higher quality DJI Zenmuse P1 camera. The DJI Zenmuse P1 is a so-called Full Frame camera, which stands out above the rest, for example, in aerial photography or photogrammetry, capturing traffic accidents or buildings after fires, because from the high-quality photos taken, colleagues can compile a very accurate orthophoto image that does not lose sharpness even at night.

Obviously, each camera is suited to a different type of operation. The drone pilots discuss the subject in more detail in their article on the website, where you can also find many photos. These clearly show the quality of the images obtained, both during day and night flights. A properly chosen technique is the basis for a job well done. However, to process the acquired data well, special applications are also needed, which the SIT Drones team develops and improves themselves. This makes them one of the professionals in the field of unmanned aviation in the Czech Republic.

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